அறிவிப்பு :-அன்பிற்கினிய உறவுகளே! நீண்ட காலமாக இயங்காமல் இருந்த கொக்குவில் இணையம் மீண்டும் தற்காலிகமாக ekokuvil.blogspot.com என்ற முகவரியில் இயங்க உள்ளது தடங்கல்களுக்கு வருந்துகின்றோம் ஏறத்தாழ ஆறு மாதங்கள் தொழில்நுட்ப கோளாறால் இயங்க முடியவில்லை. 2008 டிசம்பர் 27 அன்று என்ன நோக்கத்துடன் தொடங்க பட்டதோ அதை நோக்கத்துடன் நிமிர்ந்து செல்வோம். தடைகள் தகர்த்து விரைவில் புதிய தளத்துடன்

Oct 17, 20230 comments

JD for Onsite Deskside Support Services:

Hardware and Networking:

· Hardware Knowledge on multiple vendor end point products to troubleshoot & isolating hardware issues.

· Ability to install drivers and configure.

· Ability to provide physical support for mounting of DC HW, basic connectivity establishment.

· Ability to Install remote tools like Putty to establish connectivity between two devices.

· Ability to replace allowed HW components (such as HDD, memory)

· Ability to work with various assessment tools to identify the different hardware models available.

· Ability to test the compatibility of Image with the various hardware models available, where needed.

Windows Operating System:

· Support desktop technology and desktop applications in Windows environments, including remote access tools.

· Maintain Windows Desktop, VDI, laptop and thin client builds & deploy images on multiple desktops independently.

· Install, configure, and manage end point servers; help troubleshoot server issues on escalated client issues.

· Working knowledge on AD Users & Group administration, FSMO Roles, Site and Subnets

· Technical understanding of FRS Configuration / Troubleshooting

· Global Catalog Server, AD Group Policy

· Technical understanding of AD tools and resource kit tools, Software, service pack installation

· Install, configure, and manage multiple Client OS; Help troubleshoot client OS issues; Knowledge on various OS servicing tools like DISM, Sysprep etc.

· Ability to generalize and globalize the Image OS to standardize the Image being rolled out using SOP, Ability to install and configure client applications independently.

Exchange and Mobility Clients:

· Knowledge of exchange server, software, service pack installation, troubleshoot various server related issues, troubleshoot non-delivery reports (NDRs), tracking emails. Knowledge of mobility server/device

· Ability to configure multiple mailboxes.

· Ability configures rules and calendars, configure extended calendars.

· Ability to customize (such as signature, meeting)

Printer management:

· Ability to troubleshoot and manage service calls for printers & copiers locally and remotely.

Backup and Recovery:

· Technical understanding of native backup management tools & different types of backup

· Ability to fix independently at client end or in collaboration with application owners.

· Ability to understand and work with the various tools that perform Data Backup and restore.

· Ability to work with and troubleshoot multiple types of Data backup tools\Methods.

Audio, Video support:

· Understand the functionality of Audio, Video & conference devices.

· Ability to carry out SOP based troubleshooting (such as functionality of client software & services)

· Ability to work with supplier / OEM in fixing / upgrade if any.

End Point Security:

· Exposure to native and 3rd party antivirus management tools along with understanding of Virus definitions/signature update, etc.

· Basic Knowledge of data encryption, AV, DLP, desktop firewall, VPN, AD policies

· Ability to provide hands and feet support during application server troubleshooting (such as check Synchronization issues on server).

· Ability to Install Configure AV as per SOP

· Ability to test and troubleshoot issues related to including AV, SCCM client etc. in the image.

· Ability to understand the working and configuration of DLP, various VPN solutions.

· Ability to carry out basic administrative tasks (such as DB clean-up, Create policies)

· Ability to provide support for client end related issues.

Vendor co-ordination:

· Work closely with Vendor management team to keep track of all open IT vendor and OEM related issues, co-ordinate & work with vendors and OEM point of contacts on repair and maintenance of IT equipment.

Asset management:

· Maintain accurate asset management records & work closely with asset management team.

Incident management:

· Knowledge on incident management process & end to end co-ordination with incident management team for any end point related incidents.

· Work closely with incident management team to define best practices to timely detect incidents & report for reduced downtime.

Patch management:

· Knowledge on desktop patching process & the tools used for patching.

· Work closely with patch management team to test the patches before rollouts to avoid any service disruptions.

· Work closely with patch management team to define best practices to avoid end point patch failures & increase patching efficiency.

Please provide the below requested details:
Full Name:
Contact Number :
Email ID :
Total Experience :
Relevant Experience :
Current location :
Notice period :
Visa & Visa status:
Reason for job change:
Current salary :
Expected salary:
Any offer in hand :
Vaccination status:

Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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